Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Surprises Surprises...

So I realized today that I haven't blogged in a while. I've been crazy busy, and doing the prayer every morning is a lot harder to remember then I thought it would be. Still, every now and then I realize my surprise for the day. As far as I can tell, most of mine are still coming through through relationships. Steph, Jenna, and I went out for my birthday. Sam, Eddy, and I are all hanging out, and I'm getting back in touch with people I had lost it with.
My bad surprise:
When my honors chemistry teacher passed around a grade sheet I was bombarded with a whopping 63%. I've never been failing, anything, ever, in my whole life, so that was like my wake - up call that I can't check out of the school year yet and I really need to buckle down. So, its "hell week" for the musical because it starts this Friday and we have rehearsal every night. With that, I'm trying to stay on top of my classes and chemistry is really hard. I suppose there was a glimmer of light through the F though because I'm getting back into academic shape mentally (lols).
Well that's about it I think.
Plus I really need to start my homework before rehearsal starts.
Always ready,
Surprise me God.
Jackie Winters

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