Saturday, February 16, 2008

struggling to blogg

I have sat at my computer several times in the last few days, thinking that I wanted to share certain things in my blogg, but when I began to write, it surprised me how hard it was to put down in words. As I continue to pray, Surprise me God, I continue to find repeition in the message God is giving me. To simplify my life and enjoy the small things and blessings that happen on a daily basis. Also to do kind things that surprises others.
I still think that God surprises us with joy in our hearts as we pray Surprise me God on a daily basis. It is a surrender of sorts to give God the will to do as he sees fit. The peace that I feel since doing this is amazing....and comforting. I will continue to look for the big and small surprises each and every day....Peace Sue

Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 10

It is late again as I write. It was a very good day. I had the privilege of training Parish Nurses again today and speak with the pastors who were going to serve with the PN's. I helped lead and dedicate the PN's where I had a chance to bring in our Surprise me, God journey as part of the sermon. I am a huge believer and supporter of the parish nurse ministry. They are a great gift to the church which is always surprised by what the PN's are able to do to build up the body of Christ.

Reconnecting with the PN training team that has worked together now for more than a decade is very rich. We love to be together and pray for each other. We are aging...Surprise! More health issues and other issues each year but the spirit of the team is as young as ever. I love you guys!

I was invited to a Tae Kwon Do demonstration at church tonight by John and Julia C. I brought the video camera and captured some precious moments of these young kids. They know more than 20+ Bible verses and oh what moves they have mastered. I was impressed with their discipline and desire to work hard for John and Julia. Smiles were abundant on the kid's faces and parent's as well. I was amazed (surprised!) at how they had advanced since they began in late Sept 07. One Mom said it was so great to have her boys practicing their drills and running around the house quoting Bible verses they had memorized as a part of the training. Wow!

Insight from the day: We are able...because God is able to do all things through those who love him.

Keeping my eyes, ears and heart open for God Surprises...
Pastor T

Valentines Surprises

It seems like it shouldn't be surprising to be surprised on Valentines day, but I was. Sam and I have been together for 4 Valentines days and we have really tried not to fall into the materialism buy-lots-of-junk-for-too-much-money trap, so I wasn't really expecting anything... even moreso because we're both in grad school and both getting set to write our thesis papers and so our evenings are mostly spent studying in different rooms. So imagine my surprise when Sam comes home and we make dinner together, eat at the table with candles, and then get in the car and head to my gym for couples yoga. I know, I know, some of you are thinking it's so cheesy, but it was amazing. It was like a workout and quality time all in one! I know it was not something that Sam would really want to do, so it was awesome that he thought of it and knew I would like it.
What a great surprise! :) A free evening of uninterrupted time with my husband... surprises don't get better than that!


Thursday, February 14, 2008


to my surprise thinking that wouldn't get at at soccer practice tonight i found out that i ended up getting some bit of a type of a road rash sliding in on the indoor soccer turf
-brian Willms

Day 9 Valentines-Connections-Parish Nurses

It was a three-fold day and more of surprises. Being aware of God activity in and around me is renewing. I love the spontaneous conversations that are popping "my Surprise today was..." or was I ever surprised today when...". It just seems contagious. God sightings are there if I have eyes to see...

So I prayed "again" today: Surprise me, God.

I had made arrangements to have flowers and a “Teddy” bear that I chose from our local florist to be ready at 7:30am so I could take it to Lois' room at school and surprise her...well it really surprises the kids more than Lois...but what really surprised me was the reactions. The kids went "O a Bear!" Lois was pleased too...but the other teachers or parents in the hallway said "O flowers"..."Ahhhh" But what really surprised me was my reaction. I like making Lois happy and I know that this would be the case however I was surprised how uncomfortable I was carrying the flowers in the hall and with the reaction of others...I was some how really self conscious and felt awkward. I wonder if… again it was the all about me derails my relationship with God so many times it must be the same with even myself and Lois. I want to show my joy and love for Lois and “I” kept getting in the way...I guess that is how “I” treat God many times...Sorry God...I know. It's not “all” about me! Thank you for loving me… in spite of me.

A year ago one of our young men died from injuries in a car accident. I had the family on my mind and in prayers so I sent them an email telling them Lois and I were with them. I then headed off to our local high school where our Lindsay taught the last few years of her life. I was to invite the kids from the Connections program that Lindsay had taught in, to apply for the scholarships in her memory. I was surprised again how close the grief is below the surface of our lives but seeing the faces of these kids was a huge lift for me today. I was anxious about being there but the welcome and response was a huge surprise. God wrapped God's arms around me through the teachers, students and administrators I came in contact with this morning. My grief and missing our Lindsay was shared by others but it was also lifted from me as I saw the fruit of their endeavors as educators. I was overwhelmed again...Surprise! my gratitude for the teachers of this world. Where would we be without their endless sacrifice and love for our children? Thank you God!

Finally this evening after a quick candlelight dinner at home with "My Valentine" I headed to the seminary to lead a Service of the Word for Healing for the Parish Nurse's in training this week. I am always surprised at how God is working in the nurses of this world of the "hidden church" in our health care facilities. God sightings are all over them as they struggle with the call to Parish Nursing. The mystery of the Call of Christ to "come follow me" is being heard by many and when they come for training it is always surprising.

As this cross section of folks respond like Mary the mother of Jesus..."I am the Lord's servant...Let it be to me according to your will" ...we as a team have the privilege of seeing some powerful God sightings as we anoint and pray over many of these parish nurses in training. It is a Valentine from God to the team who are leading this training for the week… Surprise!

Happy Valentines!
Jesus, keep my eyes and heart open for Your Surprises.
Pastor T
Happy Valentines Day!!
Today it was a great day for me, but i didn't find a girlfriend, but that is ok. Anyways today I recieved this card from someone, and it was signed with no ones name on it. Maybe it is somone that likes me but i just thought that I would share this with everyone that God really can suprise you with almost anything!
Andrew Hauck

A Traffic Surprise

Posted by Tom Heinrich 2/14
So yesterday I'm headed home, up Winnetka Avenue, and I'm the first one in line to make the right at the light. I guess I must have been thinking really hard about something or whatever, but there I'm sitting, at the light. The guy in the truck behind me starts layin on his horn and giving me the universal "hello". I think I maybe was stopped at the light 4 seconds. This guy is furious. So much anger and energy and temper. He's screaming inside his cab, honest.

I calmly smiled, waved (politely), and rounded the right. I knew I better pull to the side of the road, this guy was coming around quick. Sure enough ~ he spins his tires, continues to honk and waves back at me (not politely) as he speeds past like a thunder bolt. He rushes to drive 200 feet, stops, and waits again to make a left into his apartment building. (I waved again as I pulled past, I just couldn't help myself.)

The God surprise for me? It was how such anger and madness and agression had no effect on my day! In fact, it lightened my day because I had a good laugh! I'm still finding joy in this gentlemen's over-reaction to my denying him 4 seconds of his life at a stoplight.

Finding calmness in a crazy world is a wonderful surprise. Thank you God. Peace ~ Tom

PS, God could you please bring peace to the nice man who lives near 36th and Winetka and drives a black Chevy truck? Thanks!

Happy Valentines day....
This day and every day I am surprised by the love that God has for me.! He surrounds me with his love each and every minute, of my life. I haven't always been aware of this magnificent
love, which saddens me, but I think it is those times of being unaware that make me appreciate his love that much more.
It continues to be the simple things in my life, that truly amaze and surprise me. A clerk at Cub wishing me a early Happy Birthday? He took the time to really notice the date on my drivers license, and gave me a big smile.
God continues to guide me and joyously continues with many gifts, especially loving friends and loving family. Take time to enjoy every minute of every day Peace Sue

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 8 Thank you for Terry and Mary E.

This will be short...Terry Esau....What a huge surprise! God all over him...using his words and heart to open our eyes even wider!
So cool that Mary, Terry’s wife, was with us tonight too.
God surprises all around us and having folks talk a new language that anticipates God sightings is awesome.
Young and old alike are looking for God activity in their lives.
Join the journey...pray the prayer...Surprise me, God!
Pastor T


alright today i found out the girl at school that i flirt with even though i flirt with alot of girls but one of them likes me which shocked me
i guess God really knows how to surprise me


a girl at school that i flirt with flirted with me back today and that scared me
On Saturday, I was at stages and recently people have been talking about this girl in our cast and how she is so mean. (I am not going to say anynames of anyone because they would not want me to.) Well, that morning I had prayed "Surprise Me God". I was in the dressing room, and all of a sudden she turns to me and starts talking to me about her mothers immune system has gone in reverse. If she gets a cold, she will die. I realized that the reason that she was so mean was to cover up the hurt that is underneath. Now that she has told me, she has not been so hostile, and has opened up to alot of the other cast members. I hope that her mother will get better! :)
Like a lot of people, not much has happened so far, but I did get a nice surprise yesterday in the mail. I recieved a certificate from my school stating that I am a student of the month! I know it's not all that exciting, but it is a big confidence booster. And it does go to show that all your hard work, time and engery is well appreciated.

I'm not sure I like this surprise...

As many of you know- I had a ridiculous cold last week, and I thought it was getting better but yesterday I woke up with it a lot worse and I knew it was no longer just a cold. So today I went to minute clinic and SURPRISE!!! I have a sinus infection and the beginnings of bronchitus. Joy of Joys to be sick on Wednesdays....

But here's the thing about being sick... it forces you to slow down. I don't know about any of you - but slowing down is NOT something I am good at... and it really only happens when I'm sick, and even then it's tough to do. Wednesdays are simply not a day where slowing down is a possibility around here. But I know that God is telling me to take it easy, so I'm going to try my best to slow down. Slowing down might be hard, but it also makes it easier to notice all the ways where God is working, because I'm actually taking time to look around, not be running around. So even though this surprise kind of stinks, I'm looking forward to the surprises I see when I'm moving a little slower.

I have thought about the last several days and how God continues to surprise me, yes me!
The first surprise i recieved and I was shocked, is during our dinner at Alpha,Monday night. One of the women in our group shared with me that I inspired her to read the Bible! ?? Me ?? I was shocked and confused, because I do not remember what I said that made a profound inpact on her. I feel elated after I had time to let it sink in. Another member of our team said that he also went looking for a study Bible because he was also excited to try something like I had.? I am totally convinced that the Holy Spirit gave me the right words that night and showed my friends in my group my love of God, and my interest in the Bible that I was using. ( Study Bible)
In continueing my surprises I recieved an Email from my daughter Mary. It was a great devotion for today the second Wednesday of lent. I am not surprised by my daughters faith, but I continue to be surprised in all that she continues to do, in her walk with God.
She joined a church in Sioux Falls,where she knew no one. She now after just a short time, is a youth group mentor, a cookie server, a greeter, and a babysitter in the nursery. WOW. The Holy Spirit is directing and guiding her to serve and continue to grow in her faith. Continue to be surprsied every day! Peace Sue

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Surprise

Yesterday I was shown the immense kindness strangers can have. I think that we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to give as well. I know that on a daily basis my opinion that people are just self-obsorbed jerks is reinforced. Thinking this, we (or at least I) tend to overlook how good humanity can really be. If you give people a chance to give, they can be quite generous.
So, yesterday morning I woke up, unable to breathe, throat incredibly sore, head throbbing, nose running, and completely exhausted. I got up and got ready anyways and lo and behold, my ride's car breaks down in my driveway and we are late for school with an unexcused absense because apparently car trouble in negative weather isn't excusable. After a long challenging day of school I have to go to work. wooohooo... It had been a very long night and I would have liked nothing more than to leave when a customer came in. Honestly, I thought he was kind of weird and creepy so I just took care of him quickly and as unintrusivly as I could. Well, when I told him his total he gave me the money with five extra dollars, so, I handed it back to him. I never get tips at my work. The most I've ever gotten was like months ago and it was a dollar. So anyways, the guy goes, "You can't take tips?" and I hopped on that ball pretty fast with a "Well, sure I can," (even though I'm not supposed to). Long story short, I wasn't even that nice to this guy, and he gave me a five dollar tip. It really made my night and it made me think about how people can be really generous. But it also made me think, "How did this make me feel?" and how easy way that? You could easily change people's days, weeks, months, years, if we were only a little less selfish and a little nicer.
That is now one of my goals. Not only to be nicer (which I already try really hard to do), but to be a little more selfless. Its a big thing to strive for, but I know I've got God on my side.
Until next time:
Suprise me god!

Jackie Winters

Day 7 Uff Da!

We are fearfully and wonderfully made as Psalm 139 reminds us... when our body rebels and we ache or whatever it always seem to surprise us. Why now? Why this? So it was late this afternoon...surprise! You're human...slow down.

So I am getting ready close the day remembering how I might have seen God sightings/Surprises today. I am going to give thanks for what I believe to be just such events:
Judy C just 2 weeks post op standing and smiling in the worship!
Two emails about Breanna telling of unfortunate events yet going to be ok...Thank you, Jesus.
Jan's praise report!
An Exec Team that can get things done without the ailing pastor present.
Staff that care about others and hug them when they come in to the office to say hello.
A loving wife, who is a precious gift to me. (I definitely married up!)
Wonderful kids who are trying to find a time to get together to celebrate Valentine's Day around Dad's schedule.
A report of illness in another's family that seems impossible and breaks everyone's heart yet they are rallying around to help. (God draws us together often through adversity. God strengthens us as we live through adversity.)

Some one has said that the bad thing about life is that it is so daily...
Yet it is in the "daily-ness" of our lives God makes God's heart and character known to us.
Keep your eyes on the "daily-ness"...there are God Surprises waiting to be discovered.
Pastor T

Monday, February 11, 2008


I feel like everytime I turn back to God after an absence from Him and His word He provides me with exactly what I need. Tonight I went to the first Bible study of the new semester and we talked about temptation. I've really been struggling with some temptations and recently identified a major one in my life, and I've been working at eliminating it from my routine. I love that of all the things that could have been chosen for discussion we talked about temptation. It really reinforced for me the fact that God reaches out to us in so many ways. As we dove into the passage about Jesus being tempted by the devil, everything we discussed seemed to click. I felt open and alive in a way I haven't felt in a while. It was amazing. It reminded me why I come back to God, and why I should never leave. My surprise this Lent is the opportunity to grow in my relationship with God, to grow in my relationship with myself, and to become more of the person I was designed to be. And yes coming to this point was hard, but it allowed me to come back broken and in need of what only God can provide. It allowed me to once again feel His grace fill me and lift me up. It allowed me to be humbled by His power. It allowed me to realize I am only a child in His holy hands. You really surprised me God, and though this has been hard and will continue to be tough, I thank You for surprising me with You.


Day 6 of the Journey

"Monday! Monday!" ....Mama Cass used to wail out over the just seemed to be that way this morning. Mondays seem to be difficult days for many of us. Just getting started again after Sunday's activity seems to be a challenge. Looking for God sightings early in the AM seems to be avoiding me but the devotional for the day and reading of Day 6 in Surprise Me challenges me about "ME". When it all becomes about "ME", it is a definite "de-railer" for the day and the journey. Terry recalls his challenge of "I's" and "I" bristle a bit because it sounds familiar...Surprise!!!

I am again met with stories of Surprises from staff and others during the's just on our minds...COOL!

I am standing in the CLC as the Alpha meal is happening and one of our team members comes to me and asks if anyone in the church might be interested in reading and discussing Bonhoeffer with them. Surprise...
(John Matthews must have put him up to it...naw...)
I said that I was sure he would have folks who would be interested and we could help him get connected with others who are interested..Keep your eyes open and you will see God working in and around all of us!

An invite to Friday night Tae Kwon Do...the kids want to show off their newly learned skills and knowledge...God Sighting time!...I can hardly wait. Have to get someone to come with me to video them so we can share the God Surprise with others!

Not a bad Monday after all.
Pastor T

Day 6?

Is it day 6 already? It seems like we've only just begun our journey. I haven't had any huge surprises yet, but that's to be expected. I did have a pleasant surprise today, though. I had an interview at 1 with Luke H. from Camp Wapo. Since I normally eat lunch with my friends around 12:30, I was either going to have to eat quickly or go by myself earlier. To my surprise, my buddy got back from class at 12 and we were all able to go early. I ate a relaxed lunch, got ready, and headed off to class. Without having to rush, I was a little more relaxed going into the interview and it went great!

Thanks God! I can't wait to see what else he has in store for me!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 5 Sunday seems to be a day of....Surprise!

Sunday always seems to be a day of God Surprises. When God's people gather, God is very active. From the morning services till it's time for bed there are little surprises along the way.

First Surprise was Breanna L. home from Iraq for a couple weeks...all smiles! We prayed for safety and protection. Then she is in the hallway all bundled up in warm clothes...a bit of a contrast to Iraq. Forgot how beautiful she is!

The surprises in the story of Mary and the angel in Luke 1 are many. My favorite is when the angel says..."For nothing will be impossible with God." What a surprise...the emphasis on..."with God", it reminded me that God is active and able to help us in any situation...nothing is impossible with God! Surprise.

Lois and I had a wonderful lunch with a dear friend and we shared God Surprises all through lunch. It doesn't get any better than that! God always surprises me with the richness of friendships in my life.

Late this afternoon the phone rang and the message was..."The Eagle has landed!" It was my sister and her son, Brad, the Marine had returned home from Iraq too! Safe and sound! It was a "double day" of thanksgiving and joy.

It has been a good day.
I am weary tonight. Keep your eyes open for God sightings!
Pastor T

Happy Sunday......After listening to Pastor Ted this morning.....I realized that I am not completely looking for all the surprises God sends or gives to me. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to help a co-worker in need of a babysitter. Her family is all out of town and her husband is ill in the hospital. So after calling her with concern, she seemed shaken.....and I told her if she needed any help, I would love to do it. I really had so many plans to complete my basement clean up project, take a nap, and eat..... :) so when she called a little while after we had talked I dropped my special projects and Jim and I headed over to her house. I never gave it another thought, or thought about how I was missing out on my own time. I felt at peace that this is where God needed me to be. He suprised me with helping my special friend. I felt so good, because I knew she felt better knowing her husband was doing better, and she was able to relax a alittle. Plus, spending time with a busy 4 year old is very energizing, seeing the simple world that God has created for us through little eyes.....WOW. I am excited to keep looking for those small simple surprises God has for ME! Peace Sue


So, so far most of my suprises have been through relationships. Which I think is cool because lately I'd been having some problems with that. I've bonded with Sam and Eddy a lot which is really cool because they are deffinately two people I can just hang out with and do nothing and have fun. I also went to Leah's. That was kind of a big thing becuase we got in a big fight last year and it hasn't really been the same. We really bonded again the other night, just telling eachother everything that is going on in our lives. I suppose suprises coming through my relationships is a good way to recieve it. But who knows? I still feel like I'm overlooking some day to day things.
I'll keep an eye out, and in the mean time, I'm always ready for it God.


Surprises in Wisconsin???!

Sam and I went to visit my sister and family in Wisconsin this weekend. It was a short visit... we left on Friday afternoon and are back late Saturday night (or Sunday morning). Sam and I have always enjoyed our times with Kira and Kevin, but we tend to have pretty interesting spiritual and theological discussions. Frustrating for me was the lack of personal faith for them - they believed in Jesus and God and went to church, but their words seemed to come from what they heard from their friends and the church, (who's theology is very different from Lutheran) and not what they had read or thought themselves. Inevitably some of our conversations would get heated, because we didn't agree on some major cultural contention points... but this weekend something new happened. They have really been seeking Christ in new ways. Ways that were surprising them in how much they weren't really following things God was calling them to... like love, no matter who or what. It was SUCH a surprise. We had amazing conversations about what it means to be a follower of Christ, instead of what this guy said or this person told them. It was AMAZING and completely unexpected. Not only was it great to hear them talk about this newly discovered Jesus following, but to WATCH them was even better. They treated each other differently. They had conversations knowing that they didn't have to be right... it was new and wonderful and I left feeling so happy about where God has taken and is taking them. Their renewed energy for really and truly following Jesus was inspiring... I only hope that this surprise of theirs wore off on me just a little.
Thanks G0d - this was a surprise that I didn't even know I was hoping for...
