Wednesday, March 5, 2008

God is at meetings?!

Yesterday I had a meeting with a guy who is our main speaker at the metro-wide 30 hour famine... of which I am a planning team member (you know, in all my free time). I was a little annoyed about the meeting because it wasn't that much stuff to talk about, but it required more than email or a phone call. The guy who is speaking is a friend from a few years ago, and so it was good to see him on one hand, but on the other, it took time out of a busy schedule. SO... needless to say my attitude was not that great to start it off. Here's the surprise: not only was it so so so good to see him again, and our conversation confirmed that he was the right choice for speaker, BUT the heart of this guy changes you... just sitting and talking with him changes my heart. That's how amazing he is. I am giving you all this background because I don't want to take any credit for the things I'm about to write, God used my friend to speak straight into my heart, and that's who gets the credit. GO JESUS.
We were talking about the message of Jesus, and how it would have the same effect today as it did when Jesus walked the earth. Jesus had this tendency of turning the culture upside-down and totally freaking everyone out. My friend said that we live in a time where everything is about what it can do to me, and even the most well intended people, if honest, would say the same is true about church. We think that we go to church to receive something, so that we can go out and give something. This is a great intention, he said, but it's not what Jesus would say or do. Jesus said we give to receive... not the other way around. So instead of coming to church with the intention of receiving something, we should go into church thinking about what we can give by being there. Can you imagine this flip? And it's not that going to church to be filled in order to go out and give is a bad thing, it's just not what Jesus had in mind for the church. It is in giving that we receive. It is in pouring out that we are filled up.
WHOA. I had to take a minute when I got in my car and let this settle because it's a big one. It seems really obvious, but when I thought about it, it's not that simple in practice. How often do I go to church to fill up my emptying heart? How often do I look at the worship and the prayers and the messages as things that give me something? What would it look like for me to really give in church, instead of take? What would it look like in friendships, in community, in my marriage, if I gave first... instead of receive first?
I dont have the answers to any of those questions, but man - this was a HUGE surprise that God threw at me today. I really felt like God was looking in my heart and saying "no no natalia dear, you've got it all wrong!" So thanks God, for speaking right to me through my meeting. What a great surprise.


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