Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Little Surprises are the way God works

It's interesting to read all these posts and notice how often people expect or hope for big things, and often God surprises them with little things... I love that this is how God works. We want the lightening bolt, and God gives us a light bulb. :)
Yesterday I was pretty crabby. I shouldn't have been, I had a great weekend with my husband and spent part of Sunday with two of our best friends, but somehow I woke up and put on my good ol cranky pants. On Monday nights I have yoga, and I usually go with one of my best friends - Amy (same one I ate brunch with on Sunday) but she told me Sunday that she couldn't come along this week. Grrrr... not only was I crabby but I was going to have to get my OWN butt in gear enough to go by myself! I got in to work, and there was a lovely little email from Aim saying her meeting changed and she was going to come after all!! YEY! Yet still, I kept my crabby pants on for most of the day. ... Until yoga. There is something about taking time for yourself, breathing deeply, and getting an amazing workout that is so calming, and dare I say it - crabby pants removing. I know it's not a big thing, but it was a really great little thing that made my night and honestly, made my day too.
Thanks God - for reminding me to breathe and to take time to appreciate the life you have given me.


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