Thursday, February 7, 2008

Confirmation Drop-out

Yeah, believe it or not, I went to Prince of Peace for confirmation ten years ago and I dropped out in my last month of it. Now I'm mentoring an awesome girl in the same program that I forsook so many years ago. How does that work? And I'm a student in seminary school (school for wannabe church people), so I think that it's funny how God surprises us over long periods of time. I went from a bold atheist at the age of thirteen to a wannabe pastor!?! Now here I am hanging out with an 8th grader who seems to have more faith than I do. We had a great meeting on Ash Wednesday and I asked her a question that wasn't on the list..."even though this is mandatory for confirmation students, what do you hope to get out of these meetings?"
I won't share her answer, in case she doesn't want me to, but I will share my answer. I hope that I can renew my faith in God. Like an earlier blogger I read, I sometimes don't understand how God can let so much evil exist in this world. Where is He? Why do I feel like my prayers go unanswered? Hasn't He ever heard of email, or text messaging? So I hope that through this experience, I can learn to hear God better. I wouldn't be surprised if He spoke more clearly through an 8th grader than through a seasoned sermonizer. What the heck...surprise me? Please? -Erin Stoney

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