Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day two... surprises are everywhere...

Last night after the Ash Wednesday service I asked some people to blog for this little faith experiment. Some people were really excited about it, and some were sort of lukewarm about it, so I wasn't sure what kind of response we were going to get on this site. Today I turned on my computer and came to this blog and was absolutely blown away by the experiences that people are having already!! One of the things that makes this faith experiment so "surprising" to me is the varied ways that God surprises people. It really shows me all the ways in which God can work, and in all the different people and situations God places love and grace and just plain presence. It's so amazing.
I'm learning that praying this three word prayer is a really scary thing... I keep telling people that I'm afraid that by the end of 30 days I'll end up pregnant as some big cosmic joke... like God is saying "well, you asked for it!" But despite how scary it can be to pray this prayer, people are putting some pretty big trust in God to do whatever God wants. To me, this is powerful ... and while it shouldn't surprise me - it does.

Here's to the surprises to come... whatever they may be!!

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