Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 10

It is late again as I write. It was a very good day. I had the privilege of training Parish Nurses again today and speak with the pastors who were going to serve with the PN's. I helped lead and dedicate the PN's where I had a chance to bring in our Surprise me, God journey as part of the sermon. I am a huge believer and supporter of the parish nurse ministry. They are a great gift to the church which is always surprised by what the PN's are able to do to build up the body of Christ.

Reconnecting with the PN training team that has worked together now for more than a decade is very rich. We love to be together and pray for each other. We are aging...Surprise! More health issues and other issues each year but the spirit of the team is as young as ever. I love you guys!

I was invited to a Tae Kwon Do demonstration at church tonight by John and Julia C. I brought the video camera and captured some precious moments of these young kids. They know more than 20+ Bible verses and oh what moves they have mastered. I was impressed with their discipline and desire to work hard for John and Julia. Smiles were abundant on the kid's faces and parent's as well. I was amazed (surprised!) at how they had advanced since they began in late Sept 07. One Mom said it was so great to have her boys practicing their drills and running around the house quoting Bible verses they had memorized as a part of the training. Wow!

Insight from the day: We are able...because God is able to do all things through those who love him.

Keeping my eyes, ears and heart open for God Surprises...
Pastor T

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