Monday, February 11, 2008


I feel like everytime I turn back to God after an absence from Him and His word He provides me with exactly what I need. Tonight I went to the first Bible study of the new semester and we talked about temptation. I've really been struggling with some temptations and recently identified a major one in my life, and I've been working at eliminating it from my routine. I love that of all the things that could have been chosen for discussion we talked about temptation. It really reinforced for me the fact that God reaches out to us in so many ways. As we dove into the passage about Jesus being tempted by the devil, everything we discussed seemed to click. I felt open and alive in a way I haven't felt in a while. It was amazing. It reminded me why I come back to God, and why I should never leave. My surprise this Lent is the opportunity to grow in my relationship with God, to grow in my relationship with myself, and to become more of the person I was designed to be. And yes coming to this point was hard, but it allowed me to come back broken and in need of what only God can provide. It allowed me to once again feel His grace fill me and lift me up. It allowed me to be humbled by His power. It allowed me to realize I am only a child in His holy hands. You really surprised me God, and though this has been hard and will continue to be tough, I thank You for surprising me with You.


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