Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Surprise

Yesterday I was shown the immense kindness strangers can have. I think that we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to give as well. I know that on a daily basis my opinion that people are just self-obsorbed jerks is reinforced. Thinking this, we (or at least I) tend to overlook how good humanity can really be. If you give people a chance to give, they can be quite generous.
So, yesterday morning I woke up, unable to breathe, throat incredibly sore, head throbbing, nose running, and completely exhausted. I got up and got ready anyways and lo and behold, my ride's car breaks down in my driveway and we are late for school with an unexcused absense because apparently car trouble in negative weather isn't excusable. After a long challenging day of school I have to go to work. wooohooo... It had been a very long night and I would have liked nothing more than to leave when a customer came in. Honestly, I thought he was kind of weird and creepy so I just took care of him quickly and as unintrusivly as I could. Well, when I told him his total he gave me the money with five extra dollars, so, I handed it back to him. I never get tips at my work. The most I've ever gotten was like months ago and it was a dollar. So anyways, the guy goes, "You can't take tips?" and I hopped on that ball pretty fast with a "Well, sure I can," (even though I'm not supposed to). Long story short, I wasn't even that nice to this guy, and he gave me a five dollar tip. It really made my night and it made me think about how people can be really generous. But it also made me think, "How did this make me feel?" and how easy way that? You could easily change people's days, weeks, months, years, if we were only a little less selfish and a little nicer.
That is now one of my goals. Not only to be nicer (which I already try really hard to do), but to be a little more selfless. Its a big thing to strive for, but I know I've got God on my side.
Until next time:
Suprise me god!

Jackie Winters

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